Find out what’s going on in the town after the sun has set. The Nightguard can tell you how the night-phase of the game is structured.
The game is split up into two phases: day and night. The day phases range each day from 09:00 until 21:00. Respectively, the night phase ranges from 21:00 to 09:00. In short, during the night, the demon kills (presumably good) players. During the day, all players try to figure out who the demon is and execute them.
Day phase
During the day, the town square comes to life! The day starts with the town crier publishing today’s newspaper. For the rest of the day, citizens can discuss the events of the night, share information, and vote on who they want to have executed. If you want more information about nominations, voting, and execution, better visit the Courthouse!
Night phase
During the night, the town sleeps. Some characters wake up during the night to use their ability, including the demon! If you have an ability that you want to use, make sure to let the storyteller know as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to inform the storyteller, not the other way around! If your ability gathers information in some way, you will receive that at the end of the night phase.
Night order
Some abilities in the night happen ‘before’ others. This can be relevant to how your ability works! For instance, if the Demon kills a Townsfolk before they wake up in the night, the Townsfolk won’t wake up at all that night and therefore wouldn’t be able to use their power. The storyteller does this at the end of the night by compiling all abilities that happen during the night and working through them according to the order listed below.
DUSK (21:00)
Sailor – Chooses a player to drink with.
Innkeeper – Chooses two players to protect.
Courtier – Wakes up to decide if they want to make a character drunk, or save their ability (doesn’t wake up after they used their ability).
Gambler – Gambles on a player.
Devil’s Advocate – Chooses a player to protect from execution.
Exorcist – Chooses a player to exorcise. The Demon doesn’t wake up if chosen.
Zombuul – Only wakes up if nobody has died during the day. If so, they choose a player to kill.
Pukka – Chooses a player to poison.
Po – Wakes up to choose player(s) to kill or chooses to kill no-one.
Assassin – Wakes up to decide if they want to kill a player, or save their ability (doesn’t wake up after they used their ability).
Godfather – Wakes up if an Outsider died today. If so, they choose a player to kill.
Professor – Wakes up to decide if they want to try and resurrect a Townsfolk (doesn’t wake up after they used their ability).
Chambermaid – Chooses two players to learn how many of them woke up.
Goon – Only wakes up to learn they changed alignment (they wake up after they have been chosen)
DAWN (09:00)